

An entirely serious Shakespeare play, with an entirely shit-faced cast member…

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Shit-faced Shakespeare®: Romeo and Juliet

An entirely serious Shakespeare play with an entirely shit-faced cast member



By: William Shakespeare & Rev. Lewis Ironside

Producers: Shit-faced Shakespeare

The smash-hit, internationally acclaimed, award-winning, multi sell-out fringe phenomenon is coming to Greater Boston Stage Company with their version of Romeo and Juliet. There is no love lost between the Capulet and Montague families and everyone in Verona knows it. Certainly the only way to mend centuries of bad blood is by having two star-crossed teenage lovers from opposite households get married in secret, right? Nothing that a swig (or two) of the finest spirits can’t fix! Featuring Shakespeare’s most famous feuding family, cousins without a cause, and so many faux deaths it makes daytime TV look good.

An entirely serious Shakespeare play, with an entirely shit-faced cast member

We at Shit-faced Shakespeare® are a rather splendid bunch of actors, performers, writers, producers, artists and – most importantly – friends. We exist to produce exquisite theatrical shows, superb live events and provide a handy outlet for mucking-about, showing-off and practicing the noble art of fancy dress!

Unlike other troupes of thespian types we differ in our utter contempt for restraint, orthodoxy, tedium, moderation and sobriety. To be a part of Shit-faced Shakespeare® is to fuck about, play, experiment, step right over the bounds of convention and sometimes even decency, all the while  never forgetting to entertain. We are Shit-faced Shakespeare® and we are genuinely tremendous people.